TO THE MARKET is committed to building a better world by empowering people to harness their purchasing power to make a difference. By joining forces with underrepresented artisans and makers worldwide who provide safe, dignified, and fairly paid work to their employees, we take steps toward changing the retail industry for good by creating products that are better for people and better for the planet. Together, we are powering the ethical supply chain.


The maker who produced your item is on a mission to produce sustainable knitwear for a greener world. Located in Bangladesh with 600 factory workers (57% women), they manufacture custom-designed apparel, bags, and children’s goods using organic cotton. Workers are provided with safe work environments that include adequate sanitation, access to clean water, and food supply. Coupled with their commitment to social and environmental impacts, they’re skilled at handling even the smallest orders with high-quality standards.


The factory's sustainable practices include monitoring its energy (ex. using energy-saving lights), conserving water (ex. using low-flow water fixtures), decreasing CO2 emissions by using an indoor gardening system, and having a conscious waste management program by sorting reusable waste and sending to recycling programs. Environmental certifications include Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Organic Content Standard (OCS), and Global Recycled Standard (GRS).


The factory employs women in an empowering environment, placing women in key roles in all aspects of their operations. All employees are offered health insurance, free transportation, paternity leave, skill training programs, yearly medical check-ups, and nutrition programs. The factory is also wheelchair accessible and employs physically disabled individuals. Certifications include the ACCORD on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh and Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), which monitors and ensures a healthy and safe workplace environment.


Your product is made with better cotton that is better for people and the planet. TO THE MARKET is a Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) member and we sourced the cotton from a BCI approved supply chain. By sourcing Better Cotton, Supplier and Manufacturer Members ensure that the demand for Better Cotton reaches Better Cotton Farmers and their communities, while also enabling Better Cotton Retailer and Brand Members to achieve and advance their targets to source more sustainable materials.

The Better Cotton Initiative was developed to enable a healthy sustainable future for cotton and the people that farm it is in the interests of everyone connected with it.

Better Cotton has more than 2,400 members, reflecting the breadth and diversity of the sector. By joining they have become members of a global community that understands the mutual benefits of sustainable cotton farming. Members are both committed to Better Cotton and improving the resilience of the cotton supply chain.

Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS)

Your product is a certified Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) good made with 100% organic cotton GOTS certified materials. 

GOTS certified cotton is organic, which means that no chemical pesticides have been used in growing the cotton. It is better for your skin, better for the environment and better for the workers that made your clothes. 

TO THE MARKET is a GOTS Certified supplier and we sourced from a supply chain of GOTS certified makers. 

The GOTS was developed by leading standard setters to define world-wide recognised requirements for organic textiles. From the harvesting of the raw materials, environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing to labeling, textiles certified to GOTS provide a credible assurance to the consumer.

Essential Guide: Canadian Ethical Sourcing