TTM Team Q&A: Trish Cope
We're introducing members of the TO THE MARKET team in our Q&A series. Today, we're getting to know TTM Sales Director Trish Cope!
Name: Trish Cope
Where You’re From: Huntington, NY
Where You Call Home Today: Cold Spring Harbor, NY
How do you practice sustainability in your everyday life?
I try to do so many things: recycle, reuse, grow my own herbs and vegetables, shop organic and local, keep the heat low and wear layers in winter and open the windows in the summer, turn the water off brushing my teeth, etc. I instill in my 4 children the need to really reuse, recycle, and conserve.
What excites you most about your career?
I LOVE what I do! I am very passionate about creating products that make the world a better place on so many levels. From the very beginning brainstorming on apparel, home goods, or accessories that will ultimately give people a "Coat of Armor," it starts with products that are all sourced organically, sustainable, and eco-friendly. Then to the fair wage jobs we create for the vulnerable people and communities. But most importantly, and what is so powerful, is seeing the impact a purchase order makes on the artisans and it empowers them to have freedom. Freedom to live their best lives. I'll never forget when I received a card from an artisan thanking me for helping her to send herself and her children to school because of the purchase order we gave her. My goal is to continue to keep selling into those communities and helping them thrive, with not just one good order, but many more.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
Honestly, it's Jane Mosbacher Morris, the CEO of TO THE MARKET. I have never, in all of my years of travelling and meeting many influential people from around the world, met a better person and leader. She is brave, knowledgeable, respectful, well-spoken, calm, diplomatic, and truly passionate in her pursuit to make a difference in this world and empowering those little voices that have so much goodness to give. She inspires me daily to be a better person. She is a true role model to me and my children.
Pick a song to describe yourself and explain why you chose it.
It's so hard for me to choose just one. I'm an old, artistic soul. I like so many different types of music from classical to Ella Fitzgerald and the jazz age, to Michael McDonald and the 80's when I was foot loose and fancy free!