We're introducing members of the TO THE MARKET team in our Q&A series. Today, meet our Executive Assistant to the CEO, Brooke!
Name: Brooke Dominguez
Where You’re From: I was born in Omaha, Nebraska but have lived in various states throughout the Midwest.
Where You Call Home Today: I currently reside in Lexington, Kentucky, which is where I spent 7.5 years of my childhood.
How do you practice sustainability in your everyday life?
The older I get, the more important living sustainably has become to me. After switching out my skincare and beauty products for cleaner alternatives, I began being more conscious of my everyday choices. I am always trying to think of ways to make better ecological decisions, whether it be drinking out of reusable water bottles or taking reusable grocery bags with me to the store.
What excites you most about your career?
I joined the TO THE MARKET team at such an exciting time. Every day I am amazed by the work that we are able to accomplish and the continuous impact and growth that we are capable of. Being surrounded by a group of individuals who are passionate about making a difference inspires me to work harder and become a better version of myself.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
Many industry leaders inspire me, but as cliché as it may sound, my mother is my biggest inspiration. Through looking up to my mom, I realize that the sky's the limit. She is strong, adventurous, brave, and taught me to always stand up for what is right.
Pick a song to describe yourself and explain why you chose it.
"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. It’s uplifting, adventurous, and who hasn’t seen The Hills?