Intern Q&A: Delilah Harvey

July 30, 2020

We're so appreciative of the hard work of our talented interns, so we're thrilled to introduce them in our summer Intern Q&A series. Today, we're getting to know intern Delilah Harvey.

Name​: Delilah Harvey

Where You’re From: ​Northern VA

Where You’re Quarantining: ​Washington, D.C.

How do you practice sustainability in your everyday life?

I try limiting my meat intake, taking care of old clothing and only buying from sustainable fashion brands, avoiding plastic as much as possible, and reusing containers/jars/bags for as long as they can hold up! I created a series for my University newspaper where I write about a range of topics within sustainability. I’m also on a small team of student composters who collect and sort waste on campus. My side passion project is a very little sustainability Instagram account (@the_ecolyst), which is a super fun outlet to learn and explore topics in sustainability.

What are your future career aspirations?

I envision my career combining my three greatest interests: sustainability, business, and storytelling. Whether for a company or as an entrepreneur, I aspire to be in spaces where storytelling is used to propel mission-driven business and create positive outcomes for people and the planet.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My grandmother! It’s difficult (in fact impossible) to capture why she’s my biggest inspiration in just a few sentences. She’s the epitome of grace, generosity, and unconditional love, all of which reflect her great big heart. Her curiosity, dedication to being a lifelong learner, and love of travelling the world reflect her keen mind. Her resilience, dedication, and gratitude-centered perspective reflect her strong spirit. I have always admired the way she carries herself, treats others, and views the world around her. I hope to emulate even half of her qualities in my life.

Pick a song to describe yourself and explain why you chose it.

I’m not sure what song describes me (maybe I have yet to hear it!), however, I would say the song “Oh! You Pretty Things” by David Bowie is very near and dear to my heart.That song was played frequently on our family drives to the beach and the memories of us singing along bring me such joy.

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